Data-Driven, Farmer-Focused
SomaDetect Blog
Thoughts from Our Farmer Conversations with Ryan Cobb
My job is to connect with dairy farmers, learn about their operations, and identify how our technology can help them achieve their unique business goals. Here are my top three takeaways from speaking with dairy farmers over the past month.
Takeaways: Artificial Intelligence and Precision Dairy Technology with Dr. Jeffrey Bewley
We interviewed Dr. Jeffrey Bewley, one of the dairy industry’s top experts on dairy technology. Dr. Jeffrey Bewley has spent years working closely with dairy farmers and their herds in optimizing dairy data on the farm. We wanted to pick his brain and extensive knowledge of the dairy industry to hear his dairy technology thoughts. Here are our top three takeaways from our discussion.
Our Recap of the Global Dairy Tech Startup Spotlight
This event featured 10 of the leading innovative startups to pitch their ideas, insights, and updates on the latest technology they have to offer. As one of the ten, we had the opportunity to not only share our mission and vision but to also learn about the exciting ideas from other tech companies in the industry. Here are some of our top takeaways from the pitches…
Three Lessons From a Scientist-Turned-Entrepreneur
The best inventions are often surprises. This was certainly the case with SomaDetect.
Five Examples of Dairy Farmer generosity during COVID-19
We are living in unprecedented times. We are all building stories throughout these moments to tell our families and friends once we are reunited. Let some of the stories come from the farm, from the place we all started from, and next time you see a dairy farmer remember: they are your allies.
What Is Precision Dairy Farming and Why Does It Matter Today More Than Ever?
Over the past decade, a technological revolution has been taking place in the global dairy industry that many of us are unaware of.